SMM 2022
Hall A1 Stand A1531
The new CapLab laboratory

Towards decarbonisation by combining Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells and Carbon Capture. During the session of Friday the 8th October at the Genoa Shipping Week dedicated to Green Ports&Shipping, Maurizio Archetti, President of Ecospray, and Barbara […]
Green shipping: Ecospray launches a new particulate removal solution for the marine market

Ecospray expands its range of innovative products with WESP, a preparatory technology for carbon capture solutions combined with EGCS and diesel engines. WESP (Wet Electrostatic Precipitator) which was developed in recent months by Italian company […]
Rise Above Market Challenges with Future-Proof Technologies

Our solutions for the future challenges of the maritime industry rely on three pillars: Decarbonization, IoT & Digitization, and Technology as-a-service. Discover Ecospray’s innovation line-up for 2021 and beyond.
One: proactive monitoring and 24/7 operation

Ecospray introduces One, the new cloud digital solution, recently designed and developed to provide a new range of services to customers.
breathES: Air Sanitization Technology to Make Ship-life Safer

BreathES, our innovative technology for Air Sanitization, contributes to the fight against the pandemic by integrating cold plasma bipolar ionizing technology at its core, with proven reliability and safety already tested in lab and in several civil and industrial buildings.
Artificial Intelligence at the heart of our newest EGC System: The Smart Scrubber

In 2021 our innovations for managing the environmental footprint of the marine sector are now fully integrated with all the benefits that come from the digitization process kickstarted in early 2020.
Ecospray: a clear vision for a cleaner future

From Clean Shipping International, Spring Edition 2021
“The past year has redefined the rules, causing us to face a turnaround of our previsions. The maritime industry is not only dealing with a crisis due to the pandemic, but is growing and adapting to new challenges, preparing for the future: 2050. […]
BIO-LNG: a stepping stone toward 2050

Let’s switch perspective: instead of cleaning pollutants, why not producing green and sustainable fuels for the mobility of the future, as part of an environmentally-focused business transformation? Biogas upgrading and biomethane liquefaction technologies allow this […]
Innovations and new technologies: how we answer the future challenges of the maritime industry.

Alberto Di Cecio and Stefano Di Santo explain how Ecospray wants to revolutionize the maritime industry.