2021: it’s time to seize the change

We asked our Directors what footprint they want to give to each Business Unit for 2021. In the following short interviews they talk about challenges, opportunities, impacts and value to bring to their market; in addition a little inspiration to face tomorrow with a brighter outlook.

Industry & Renewables Business Unit
2021 Perspectives with the Director, Giorgio Copelli

The Renewables challenge: why we are remarkable even if approaching a new market where we still have to build our brand awareness.  And how we plan to revitalize the Industry market through the development of partnerships and industrial cooperation.

Marine Business Unit
2021 Perspectives with the Director, Alberto Di Cecio

An increasingly challenging Marine sector, new generation systems and XXL sizes we never installed before. How we prepare for the future of Marine with our innovative technologies and a new approach to the market.

Service Business Unit
2021 Perspectives with the Director, Daniele Patuelli

New Online Training Courses, the super short Skilla Pills, new digital services with Ecospray Operating Centre and its real time monitoring, new maintenance plans paired with Digital and IoT.

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