Biogas Upgrading

Our biogas upgrading system, based on PSA technology, is able to treat a wide range of biogas composition – from OFMSW, agricultural plants, sewage sludge and landfills – as well as a wide range of flow rates (standardized units, from 10-1.500 m3/h of inlet biogas; systems for higher flow rates of biogas are sized on a case-by-case basis).
The system is characterized by:
- No use of either chemicals or water
- Low costs and consumption of the adsorbent material (synthetic zeolites)
- It does not depend on the availability of a heat source
- Low consumption thanks to the absence of biogas compression (~0.2 kWh/Nm3 biogas)
- The regeneration of the adsorbent beds is provided under a high vacuum cycle
- High tolerance on biogas impurities fluctuations
- Control systems with specifically optimized software allow total automation and active control.
The purified biomethane/methane is then ready to be injected into the grid gas network or liquefied to produce BIO-LNG/LNG for transportation and power generation. The captured CO2 can be liquefied with an add-on package to be used for its utilization (industrial and food) or permanent storage.

Coming soon
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